**Forward: What you’re going to discover, learn and grow in through this course are very simple and practical lessons to use to change your life and relationships. Embrace the simplistic methods found here. Allow the simplicity to be easily incorporated into your daily life for maximum transformation.
For the areas that don’t seem so simple, and perhaps seem a bit challenging, embrace them too. These are indications and opportunities for you to continue to grow and expand.
This course (and every course/teaching here on this site) is for your continual growth and expansion in your spiritual journey as well as your personal growth and development.
There aren’t certifications for completing them the first time, because they are intended to be utilized over and over again as you continue to grow and expand.
I believe in you!
Introduction & Welcome
LOVE is a huge subject.
Many of us grow up in families and cultures where we’re taught that taking care of ourselves or focusing on ourselves is selfish. So we adopt these beliefs and patterns around giving only to others but not to ourselves.
Then we wonder why we have struggles with self-worth, insecurities, low confidence, and troubles with relationships.
The main reason why we struggle is because we don’t know how to express LOVE to ourselves.
This course is the beginning of learning how to give yourself the Love that transforms lives. It starts with you.
What we’re going to cover here in this short course are the basics of self-Love that you can learn, study, and grow in to see transformation and success in your life quickly.
Lesson One: Grace & Growth
Learning how to Love yourself so that your life is transformed into the best, most healthy version of you, is a process.
Keep that word in mind throughout the entirety of this course, and in the entirety of your whole life too.
Our core relationship is with ourselves. Our relationship with God in many ways comes from the inner truths we believe about ourselves, and whether or not we are fully living a life of Love within us. And our relationships with others come from this same place.
Remember the core philosophy and principle of Growth Farming:
Your heart and your mind are a garden. What you plant in yourself through your thoughts, beliefs, and influences will be what y