May 06, 2022

Jessica Ketner

We talk about Vibrations, suppression of humanity, channeling, intuition, our senses and their range, science, emotions and so much more. Many of us are born with a more open set of senses and then we learn to restrict ourselves to what is "normal". When we are children we can maybe see entities outside the normal spectrum. But then we are taught that "it's just imaginary", and to fit in, we shut down. Jessica was one of those that could see more than normal. It was shut down for some years, but now she is using her abilities as a synesthete to help people. One of the things she does is create songs that are specifically tailored to tuning and healing people. She does this with her "A Team", who are a couple of extra dimensional beings. We also discuss what the human experience is, how we have to have the experience of "darkness" to really understand the light that we are. Right now we are collectively experiencing a lot of darkness, so we can move into the future we all long for and can all feel is our destiny. Jessica is a sweet and gentle soul who does so much good in the World. Among other things, she has created a soul song for our daughter, which she just loves. We think you'll love Jessica too!

Bonus:     Jessica Ketner

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